Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Families who run together....

The boys ran in their first race on the weekend. Nate played the "big brother" role very well, ensuring that Jadon made it around the track. They seemed to enjoy themselves, although the real highlight was the giant "kitty". JRFM was sponsoring the race and sent their mascot to entertain the children. The boys were pretty excited that he chose to sit with them on the bench. They were even more excited when he came the next day to watch mommy's race too. Sunday's race (The Historic Half) was in the sun and wound through some enjoyable scenery plus up and down a hill or two. The legs were a little stiff the next day, but it felt so great to accomplish a goal and even better to have a supportive family cheering from the sidelines. Brent hauled the kids around in the bike trailer and provided encouragement at a few points during the race, plus rode alongside me as close as he could to the finish line! (my apologies for the order of the pictures. I've played around with them long enough and they aren't behaving!)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, the picture of the boys with Tim Horton's cups & bags should TOTALLY be on a commercial!!!

    Thanks for continuing to be an inspiration to me!!!
